I believe..

That there are still good people in the world.

That we need to make more decisions based on logic and less on emotion.

That right & wrong is very subjective but the consequences are not.

That way too many people make choices based on their own welfare and not the betterment of all.

That money is important but it should never cloud our judgment.

That we don't need to be dishonest in any of our dealings

That we need to stop a moment to appreciate the creation of the smallest things around us.

That we should hold in wonder what it takes to create something.

That dishonesty is the greatest temptation.

That people too often take advantage of the weak.

That old people should be respected. That children should learn to respect their elders.

That Mentoring is important.

That it is easier to be kind to strangers than those you know.

That Blood should not be thicker than water when it comes to right or wrong.

That eyebrows can be shaped but never recreated.

That acting smart when you are not, only makes things worst.

That a partner that is afraid to show their feelings has issues.

That shoes must be comfy first before looks.

That too many people, have no idea what looks good on them.

That good food makes people happy.

That Sex for healthy men is the number one way to feel better instantly.

That critters are far more scared of us than we are of them.

That perfumes should enter the room after you.

That well fitting clothes makes you feel like 1 million bucks.

That hard earned money does contribute to happiness.

That once someone listens and understands you then they don't have to agree with you.

That a great listener is a great asset to you.

That stopping to talk to a complete stranger is fulfilling .

That stopping by the roadside to watch a football game is awesome.

That a possessive woman is unattractive.

That clothes should have air conditioning built in.

That men and women will hear the same thing but understand it differently.

That we often mean well but express it wrong.

That it is unfair for someone to expect others to read their minds.

That expressing what you want and how you want it does not make you demanding.

That no partner needs to know who you have slept with before them.

That the sun will rise tomorrow and bring with it sunshine to my life.

That people who offend others need to know that they did.

That rain makes a beautiful noise on our roof.

That absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That too many people forget their humble beginnings.

That in good times we hear the music and in bad the lyrics.

That if you want to see bad in someone you will.

That sex should never be used as a weapon.

That I make mistakes in way too many things.

That we must move forward after each mistake.

That things happen to force us to make a detour.

That this list will continue..
