Pancakes & Syrup for 2021

It's 2021 a brand New Year, its that time again where every year we reflect on where we have been and what are the things we need to change in our lives. Quite often it means joining the gym because we ate too much and have put on weight, or it's about achieving financial success, sometimes its all about visiting new places and meeting awesome new people, a special person, a wish to change jobs or a new car or home.


But how many of us have actually thought.. "I need to make a better me starting from inside"? If there is one thing I have learned is that you can not fake being a good solid, kind or caring person for very long. Just imagine walking up to a person and introduce yourself and they immediately feel a great vibe exuding from your being. It happens I am sure you have experienced it from one side or the other. 

I am of the opinion that good energy cannot be faked, one person looking on another might have thought that someone had great energy but got it wrong because of wishful thinking, but it is quite improbable that multitudes of people would make the same mistake about one person unless they were of the same character type or simply a blind follower. 


Good personal Optimistic energy opens the doors we need to open, I can attest to that many times over and it radiates into all aspects of our life, it is felt in our work, our intentions and very importantly more and better energy from the greater Universe can and will be drawn to you when you are constantly contributing generously toward that same type of energy. Simply put it pays you to actally be Optimistic, kind and generous and it costs you when you are unkind, selfish and self centered. 


So whats my point? Well instead of taking people and situations for granted and using people for your own selfish purposes, get up and get going, start working on a better you. Don't get me wrong, for some they need to learn to be a bit more selfish, to take the time to start looking after ones self, those are the ones that are constantly serving and caring for others, but for the most part you have to start by being more thankful to others, to give rather than take, to avoid conflict not just with the people in your circle but extend it to strangers and situations that occur outside of that circle.


This past year has proven to be quite challenging in so many ways to so many people. The loss of jobs, business, friends, family through death and loss in experiences and friendships not realized because of the various restrictions of movement, the cost emotionally and financially will be hard to quantify and felt for years to come.


As far back as I can remember I have always found myself reflecting on my past and making notes on what I could do to be a better person. It was and probably will always be difficult to change habits and bad habits are easy to develop. With maturityr I found that all I could do was to try my best and to keep looking out to be the best I could be and help others as much as I could without expecting anything in return.


I have renewed the same New Years resolution and added unlimited experimentation to live out my Artistic dreams and to continue to give time to those who want to foster good solid friendships and business partnerships. I know that more and better will always come to me as energy knows where to flow and The Universe will know to reward the good that I do.

*note to Universe, money is also a great reward!



Nuff love to you all for 2021

