Pancakes & Syrup 2021 - Episode 1

Last Thursday just before I left the field I go to walk in the evenings a young man was present trying to sell Chocolates to earn some extra money. He was unable to sell any of them because none of us have reason to bring money there. Watching his body language and sales pitch I decided to give him a few sales pointers that I have learned over the years, we all then went our separate ways.


Today as I entered the field I was surprised to see him and our eyes met and I noticed his big smile, a Soccer Coach who was beside him there and was also present at last Thursday's talk shouted out to me that the youngman had good news to tell me, I waved to acknowledge. At the end of my 1 hour walk the 9th grade young man came over with his new found smile to tell me that after leaving us Thursday and armed with his sales pitch walked to Manor Park Plaza about a mile away and cast it upon a lady who.. a. Told him she loved how he spoke to her. b. She bought the entire box of Chocolates! c. Gave him a bonus on top of that, wait for it... $10,000!!! (Thank you anonymous lady for your kind, unselfish generosity)


I am extremely proud of him as he also told me that he safely deposited the funds into his Savings Account. I kid you not, this has got to be the most heart warming event I have seen and felt for the entire holiday season and I look forward to hearing of his future endeavours as he develops as a promising youngman.


Sometimes we readily dismiss the street boys who approach us with their wares for sale or begging and many times with good reason as they are often rude and seem threatening by nature or simply because we have no time for "them" kind of people. However we often forget that they do what they do because they have little choice to survive and further they have had no one to teach them any better way.


One of the greatest and most valuable things we can give to others is not money but our time, time given to show kindness, reason, patience and understanding and I know it does not work everytime because it does not always work with our own children for goodness sake. But do it because you want to, because you know better, because kindness matters and that you feel the need to do your part, no matter how small you think your effort might be, it is far bigger to those that really need it than you will ever imagine.


Travelling the length and breath of Jamaica since 1980 doing ProVideo, Film Production and Professional Photography has taught me so much about our people and it has been a fantastic journey for me. Besides the audio visual experiences, it taught me the value of the genuine, kind spoken word. It has opened up for me so many opportunities in literally minutes of meeting someone and that continues even as I go about my daily life today. just imagine that almost every single image I have captured there is a corresponding stranger and an experience to savour and to remember. Money is great but trust me the quality of life and time spent between two beautiful souls no matter how short that time may be is priceless.


I so look forward to getting back on the road seeking out what awaits me and therefore a long healthy life would be great so that I can continue to be who I am for as long as I can. So this has been the unfolding of the first of many to come unpredictable episodes of "Pancakes & Syrup for 2021".

Best always with love & kindness



